Parts of a Flower and Plant, (7 Diagrams: Flower, Cell, Leaf, Stem etc.)

7 Diagrams: Flower, Cell, Leaf, Stem etc.)

The older I get, the more I appreciate the beauty of nature. As a kid I was never much of a hiker, but now I love spending an hour hiking trails.

My growing love of nature extends to gardens, trees, plants and flowers. I love how you can plant seeds or buy flowers and create something so beautiful. It’s inspiring. It’s relaxing. It’s amazing.

While we have a very impressive flower database, it’s high time we put together an extensive guide illustrating and explaining the many parts of a flower and plant.

Below is our extensive guide that includes 8 diagrams illustrating the different parts of a flower and plant. We feature diagrams for the anatomy of a flower, leaf, plant cell as well as illustrations showcasing the process of photosynthesis and more.

A. Parts of a Flower

A flower, as you can see, has many different parts; a lot is going on. Here’s a breakdown.

1. Pistil

The pistil is considered the “female” part of a flower because it produces seeds. Its purpose is reproduction. It’s made up of the following parts:


The stigma is the upper part of the pistil. It receives the pollen to affect reproduction.


The style is the long part of the pistil. It provides a place for the pollen tube to grow. It also acts as a barrier for bad pollen.

Pollen Tube

The pollen tube is a part of the pistil that is located inside of the style. It enables the pollen to go from the stigma through the style to the ovary.


The ovary is the enlarged part of the pistil located at the end of the style.

The ovary is designed to protect the ovules. It’s the job of the ovules to fertilize the pollen to grow it into a seed.

In flowering plants that produce fruit, the ovary usually develops into the fleshy fruit that surrounds the inner seed.


The ovule is located inside of the ovary. Basically, these are the flower’s eggs.

The pollen will travel from the stigma through the style to the ovary. Once in the ovary, the pollen will then fertilize the ovules.

This fertilization ensures the ovule will eventually develop into a seed. In some plants, only a seed will be grown. In other plants, a seed and a fleshy fruit will be grown simultaneously.

2. Petal

The petal is the colored part of the flower that gives it a unique shape.

Petals are often brightly colored to attract insects, birds, bees, and other animals. In this way, the petals aid with the pollination of the plant.

3. Stamen

The stamen is considered the “male” part of a flower because it produces the pollen. Its job is reproduction.


The anther is located on the end of the filament. It’s usually fairly compact and is where the pollen is created.


The filament is the long narrow part of the stamen that supports the anther. It connects the anther to the rest of the flower.

4. Leaf

The leaf is the part of the flower responsible for making food for the process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide, water, and light are turned into glucose.

5. Stem

The stem is the part of the flower that attaches it to the rest of the plant. It also supports the rest of the flower.

In addition to supporting the flower, the stem enables water and nutrients to flow from the soil into the leaf for the process of photosynthesis to take place.

A flower’s stem is made up of the following parts:


The part of the stem that moves food to the rest of the plant is called the xylem.


The part of the stem that moves water to the rest of the plant is called the phloem.


The cambium is located inside of the stem and provides a continuous cylinder. It enables the food and water to be transported to the rest of the plant together.

Vascular Bundles (Dichotomous Plant)

The vascular bundles of the stem are the groupings of the xylem cells, phloem cells, and cambium. They only occur in dichotomous plants.

6. Receptacle

The receptacle is where the stem connects to the rest of the flower. It provides support to the rest of the flower.

7. Sepal

These are leaf-like structures attached to the outside of the flower. They’re very similar to petals but with the function of enclosing the developing bud. Some sepals are green while others look similar to the flower’s petals.

B. Plant Structure

 Two main systems make up the plant structure. These are the shoot system and the root system.

1. Shoot System

The shoot system is the above-ground portion of the plant. Its job is to produce leaves, flowers, and more. Here are its individual components:

Shoot Tip

The tip of the plant’s shoot where new sections of the shoot will grow from.


The outer layer of the plant. Provides protection and creates cuticle. The cuticle layer retains water.

Axillary Bud

New buds that are ready to grow.


Structures in the leafs to transport water and nutrients throughout the plant.


The central, thick vein in most leaves.


The area between two nodes.


The component of the plant responsible for photosynthesis.


The fleshy ovary that surrounds the seed of certain plants. Encourage animals to eat the fruit to spread the seeds.


The portion of the stem that holds onto leaves.


The long stalk that provides support for the plant. It is also responsible for transporting nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant.

2. Root System

The root system is the portion of the plant below ground. Its job is to transport water and nutrients from the soil to the rest of the plant.

Vascular Tissue

The vascular tissue is the component that helps the plant suck up, retain, and circulate water and nutrients.

Lateral Root

The roots that extend laterally from the plant to soak up water and nutrients.

Primary Root

The main vertical root that connects to the stem. Lateral roots branch off from this on their search for water and nutrients.

Root Hairs

Fine hairs that help the roots soak up even more water and nutrients.

Root Tip

The tip of the bottom of the primary root. It’s where new growth will take place.

Root Cap

The very end of the primary root. It is able to perceive which way is down so the roots can continue looking for water and nutrients.

C. Parts of a Plant Cell

The cell is the basic unit of life. Plant cells are eukaryotic, meaning they have a cell wall.

These are the parts of a plant cell:

1. Nucleus

The nucleus stores DNA for the plant and coordinates activity for the rest of the cell (including growth, protein synthesis, and cell division).

A plant cell’s nucleus is made up of the following parts:

Nuclear Envelope

The nuclear envelope is the membrane that encloses the rest of the parts of the nucleus inside of it.


The organelle inside the nucleus that works to coordinate all the various essential activities of the cell.


A dense, fiber-like string, the chromatin stores the hereditary material for the plant, also known as DNA.

Nuclear Pore

Holes in the nuclear envelope that allow certain molecules to enter and exit while preventing others from doing so.


Tiny organelle that consist of a mixture of RNA and protein.

2. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

A series of connected sacs inside of the cytoplasm that transport material through the cell. The “smooth” comes from the lack of ribosomes.

3. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

A series of connected sacs inside of the cytoplasm that transport material through the cell. The “rough” comes from the ribosomes it contains.

4. Chloroplast

The chloroplast is a specialized organelle that gives the plant cell the ability to complete photosynthesis.

5. Plasmodesmata

These are the small tubes between each plant cell that connect them to each other, enabling the transport of material and information throughout the plant.

6. Cell Wall

The rigid wall that surrounds the entire plant cell and all of its inner parts to provide protection and regulate its many functions.

7. Plasma Membrane

Similar to the cell wall, except that it’s a flexible layer of protection just inside the cell wall’s boundaries.

8. Cytoplasm

The cytoplasm is a gel-like substance that contains water, organelles, and nutrients. It’s located inside the cell membrane.

9. Vacuole

An important cellular structure that helps store material, provide growth and reproduction, and improves protection.

10. Microtubule

These are rods that provide support to give the entire plant cell its shape.

11. Peroxisome

Very small structures inside the cell that help with the process of photorespiration.

12. Mitochondrion

An important component of photosynthesis, mitochondrion work to convert glucose and oxygen into energy.

13. Golgi Apparatus

The purpose of the Golgi apparatus is to create, store, and send materials (most importantly, protein) throughout the plant cell.

D. Leaf Anatomy

The process of photosynthesis is successful largely thanks to a plant’s leaves.

The leaf takes in sunlight, receives water and nutrients from the rest of the plant, and brings in carbon dioxide and produces oxygen to create food for the plant.

The leaf is made up of the following parts.

1. Cuticle

The cuticle is the waxy surface on the outside of the leaf. Its job is to prevent the leaf from losing valuable water.

2. Xylem

Located inside the veins of the leaf, the xylem is a layer of cells that transports water throughout the plant.

3. Phloem

Also located inside the veins of the leaf, the phloem is a layer of cells that transports nutrients (mainly sugar) throughout the plant.

4. Stoma

The stomata (plural for stoma) are small pores in the epidermis that open and close to release or retain oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water.

5. Veins

Tubes made out of vascular tissues that work with the xylem and phloem to transport water and nutrients throughout the plant.

6. Spongy Mesophyll

The spongy mesophyll are loosely packed cells in the middle of the leaf. The air between the cells allows for the capture and release of gas. They contain a lot of chloroplasts.

7. Palisade Mesophyll

Column-like layers of cells between the epidermis and spongy mesophyll. Also full of chloroplasts.

8. Epidermis

The outer layer of cells in the leaf. It’s located directly below the cuticle. Contains special guard cells that tell the stomata when to pen and close.

E. Chloroplast Structure

The chloroplast is the part of the plant where photosynthesis occurs. They are made up of the following parts.

1. Plant Cell

The chloroplast itself is located inside of each plant cell.

2. Chloroplast

The chloroplast converts sun light into food (sugar) for the plant with the help of water and carbon dioxide.

3. Granum

Special thylakoids stacked on top of each other. They are connected to each other by separate thylakoids.

4. Thylakoid

A special internal membrane system where the process of photosynthesis takes place.

5. Thylakoid Lumen

The internal portion of each thylakoid that contains the molecules necessary for photosynthesis.

The chloroplast is the part of the plant where photosynthesis occurs. They are made up of the following parts.

1. Thylakoid Space

The area where the thylakoids are located.

2. Lamellae

The “skeleton” of the chloroplast. They protect all of the cells.

3. Granum

The name for a single thylakoid stack.

4. Stroma Lamellae

The connecting membrane between each granum.

5. Outer Membrane

The outer membrane is the outer layer that protects the inside workings of the chloroplast.

6. Inner Membrane

A softer layer, the inner membrane protects the stroma and grana.

7. Stroma

A protein-rich component that affixes carbon to the food molecules and synthesizes sugar.

8. Thylakoid

A special internal membrane system where the process of photosynthesis takes place.

F. Photosynthesis Process

Photosynthesis is the process that plants use to create their own food with sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.

The first step consists of the leaves absorbing sunlight and carbon dioxide while the roots absorb water.

The chlorophyll uses the energy from the sunlight to break water into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen is released into the atmosphere while the hydrogen bonds with carbon dioxide to create sugar.

The plants then use this sugar as food/energy.

ATP is a molecule that stores energy during photosynthesis. NADPH is a molecule that transports this energy.

Both ATP and NADPH are involved in the Calvin Cycle. This is when the carbon dioxide and the glucose are combined to make sugar.

G. Plant Photosynthesis & Respiration Cycle

Photosynthesis and respiration are two processes that are very important to the survival of plants.

In fact, the two processes depend upon one another. You can’t have photosynthesis without respiration and vice versa.

Photosynthesis is the process that plants use to convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into food (glucose). Oxygen is released as a byproduct of this process.

Cellular respiration is, in many ways, the opposite process. It consists of the breakdown of the food (glucose) into energy. It’s how plants burn and metabolize the food. Carbon dioxide and water are byproducts of this process.

Despite their similarities, photosynthesis and cellular respiration are very different. Below we explain the specifics of each process in greater detail.


Photosynthesis is the process that plants use to convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into food.

It takes place in the leaves of plants. A component of the leaves known as chlorophyll kickstarts the process of photosynthesis.

But first water must travel from the roots of the plant through the stem to the leaves. Here it waits in the chlorophyll for photosynthesis to begin.

At the same time, the leaves are taking in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It meets with the water to be used during photosynthesis.

Sunlight is the final ingredient in the recipe that is photosynthesis. It’s what gives the chlorophyll the energy needed to combine the water and carbon dioxide into glucose.

A series of chemical reactions take place within the leave, mostly in the chlorophyll, to turn sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose the plant can use as food to survive.

In addition to glucose, the process creates oxygen. The oxygen is then released into the atmosphere for other living organisms to consume.

The two main chemical reactions that take place during photosynthesis are light-dependent reactions and light-independent reactions.

Light-dependent reactions are those that take place in the sunlight. Molecules known as ATP and NADPH are produced thanks to this sun energy.

Light-independent reactions take place once ATP and NADPH are produced. These molecules are used to fuel chemical reactions known as the Calvin Cycle.

The Calvin Cycle is when carbon dioxide molecules are broken down and combined with water to create glucose. It’s also when the oxygen is released as a byproduct.

Photosynthesis can only take place during daytime hours since it requires sunlight to complete.

Simply put, water plus carbon dioxide creates oxygen and glucose to fuel the plant. That’s photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is a process that only takes place in plants (as well as some algae). Animals can’t use photosynthesis.

Cellular respiration, on the other hand, takes place in both plants and animals. In fact, plant respiration is very similar to animal respiration.

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